Oct 8, 2009

It's been a while

It's been a while since my last post.
Recently I have other priorities to do though I really want to spend more time sit here and write something in my blog (well, I'm kinda doing it right now, but this is not exactly what I mean, you know?). I want to share stories about my brother, a song, some thoughts, but I can't keep myself focus and write them down.
One thing at a time, I often say that to myself recently (since now I have realized that I'm not really good at multitasking thingy). So I just keep focus on one thing, finish it as quickly as possible and move on to the next one. And there will be time when my 'next one' is this blog.

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Humor me. Drop some comment.

The Other Blog

Dear all, This blog is not going to be updated often as I have created another one at www.floresianay.wordpress.com which will be focusi...