Oct 24, 2010


Saya suka suara ketukan ketika jari saya menghantam keyboard laptop, apalagi kalau dalam kecepatan tinggi.
Tentunya tidak ketika menulis blog. Kalau lagi nulis blog banyak pausenya, mikir dulu kelanjutan abis ini apa yaa. Hahahaha. Kalau lagi chatting tuh, seru sekali. Udah materi chattingnya seru, ditambah background suara cetak-cetuk ini bikin saya makin senang.

Eh, sudahlah. Saya bukannya ingin membahas obsesi aneh saya.

Last night, I watched Eat, Pray, Love with my boyfriend. During the movie, I kept having this thought inside my head: nothing could go wrong in this life anyway.

Entah apakah itu filmnya, atau apakah beberapa kejadian belakangan ini yang mencetuskan ide tersebut. I just heard that a friend of mine just quitted her job to join a program called Indonesia Mengajar. She will be (or she has been? I don't know) sent to remote area in Indonesia to teach elementary kids for one year.
Some might say she had lost her mind. Quitting a job with decent salary to teach some place we can't even point at on the map?
Tapi buat saya, what the heck, it's only one year! One year of so many years we have and maybe will going through. Next year, she can decide her next move. Maybe teaching again, or maybe coming back to corporate life, who knows...

The point is, yes life's short, yes we live only once, yes we can't undo the past, but that doesn't mean that we have to be extremely careful analyzing, planning our every move.
Saya jadi ingat sebuah quote dari novel-nya Sophie Kinsella, Undomestic Goddes. "Sometimes you don't need a goal in life, you don't need to know the big picture. You just need to know what you're going to do next"

Well, that's quite extreme "don't need a goal in life". Maybe you have the rough plan, the blurry picture of your life in the next 20 or 30 years. But plan, unlike the past, is changeable. Some things we need to be 100% (ok, at least 90%) sure at, some other things we just go on with it and see what happen then.
Because, here's the thing, nothing could go really wrong in life. We can always fix them. We can always stop and take different paths.


  1. uda baca undomestic goddes..
    thx to readingwalk pastinjaa.. :D

  2. @ita: ihik. ihik. ihik. Terimakasiiih.
    Ayo ayo yang laeeen, pinjem juga di www.readingwalk.com
    *kesempatan promo

  3. Anonymous7:20 PM

    ayo ayo yang lain mau bikin kayak readingwalk juga *ngikut promo :p

  4. Anonymous12:09 AM

    suka banget sama postingan ini :D and yes I have read Undomestic Goddess, novel ini emang banyak pesan moralnya wkwkwk. Waktu liat poster Indonesia mengajar di kampus sempat tertarik mau daftar, tapi karena beberapa pertimbangan, gak jadi deh :p


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