Dec 18, 2007

Forgiving, not forgetting

About a couple weeks ago, a friend of mine asked me a question, “Can you forgive, if you can’t forget?”.
The question reminded me of an episode in Sex and The City. I don’t really remember the details, but I am sure at the end of the episode, Carrie (the main character of the serial) asked the same question.

Well, can I?

At that time, I answered “Yes” to my friend.

Then my friend asked me again, “Is forgiving means that you act normally with that person as well as you did before that person upset you?”.

Well, hmm… “No”, I answered slowly.

“What is forgiving then?”.

I am not an angel, not even close. I know that forgiving is not as simple as saying “I forgive you” or sending SMS “Mohon maaf lahir batin” or putting a smile in my face. At least, I try to forgive. Though I know that perhaps it is not enough. Human are created with memories so they can put all their experiences in it. In my case (and maybe my friend’s case), some memories are just too hard to erased.

To forgive or not, that’s our choice. Of course, I could have chosen to keep my anger forever. But then, what is it for me? None. My anger could not turn back the time or save me from pain. It would only turned me become a ‘dark’ person. So I chose to forgive to keep my soul ‘pure’.

What is forgiving, then?

“It means, you accept that once in your lifetime, someone has done something cruel to you, but you just keep going with your own life instead of thinking and regretting about it over and over again. And sometimes you don’t have to forget, so that you can learn how to protect yourself”.

I am not sure with my answer actually. But well, seemed that my friend was satisfied enough with the answer.


  1. lo bijak sekali miin :)
    anw, gua punya sekarang sex and the city lengkap season 1-6, yang lo pinjem dr gua kemarin ada yang kurang season 3 nya.
    dan... gua menonton ulang semuanya. ampas.

  2. It was almost like reading a personal column. *envy

  3. bat : eeeehhh... baaat... jangan kebanyakan nontoooon. belajar belajaar... selesaikan proyek lo disana, supaya lekas pulaaaang... saya rinduu...

    ikram : hoo.. (sebenernya gue ga tau ini pujian, kritik atau apa ya?)

  4. jadi inget,

    yasmin bijaaaaakkk!!!
    tapi tetep dia mugil...mugil...
    muke gillleeee....

  5. Anonymous3:52 PM

    eh min itu percakapannya beneran dalam bahasa inggris??

  6. Anonymous12:21 AM

    pas banget ya, pas lagi banyak2nya sms 'mohon maaf' berseliweran..

    then, can you forgive me, if you can't forget me?*koq jadi pertanyaan aneh ya? hehehe

  7. Sebenernya si mimin nin emang bijak kali. Ciman kadang2 frik kayak anak TI yang laen, jadi mengurangi kadar kebijakannya :p

    *Becanda ah, min.

  8. crut, gw menemukan ini,

    "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."
    John F. Kennedy

  9. and this also,

    The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.
    Thomas Szasz

    better be wise, rite?

  10. are wise crut! ;ppp

  11. Anonymous11:11 PM

    "forgiving" is so people don't feel guilty about their wrongdoing, never mind our feeling ;)

  12. Well nice blog.
    *dengan nada sindiran sirik

    I mean. You changed ur layout. Good. Great malahan. Hehehehehe.

  13. layout lo agak tua ya min?

  14. Anonymous5:15 PM

    nice blog :)
    kalo baca entry-nya bikin adem

  15. nadya : wah nad, terimakasih karena sudah sangat meramaikan postingan ini. hehe. nice words, anyway.

    anonyomous : haha, menurut lo?

    ray : wah, gue sama sekali ga kepikiran ke arah situ lho ray..

    echi : masa siiih chii?? hehe.

    rangga : kemana aja? haha. maksudnya memaafkan hanya untuk bikin orang lain lega gitu Ngga?

    mie : iya doooong!! hahaha.

    aldud : ah, sirik aja lo dud..

    pepito : haloow. terimakasih. entry yang mana yaa? hehe.

  16. gila lo bijak bgt min.. (komen klise ya?)
    yg lo tulis bner bgt, walopun gw agak berjuang keras nerjemahinnnya, hehe, gak deng..

    maafin org emg sama aja dgn berdamai ama kemarahan dlm diri kita sendiri.
    tp bagian ngelupain itu yg susah bgt, makanya gw spakat bgt ama yg lo tulis d akhir : "And sometimes you don’t have to forget, so that you can learn how to protect yourself".

    keren dah lo min.. hehehe

  17. Anonymous12:03 PM

    yup. maksudnya memaafkan (bukan) hanya untuk bikin orang lain lega gitu tapi juga untuk me-"normalisir" keadaaan(bener ga istilahnya)

    sibuk banget min :D istilah kerennya sih "no life", kaya uda ga ada kehidupan lagi gara2 assignment yang datang bertubi2 and kegiatan2 klub

  18. sedang belajar mencintai diri sendiri dulu min.. hehe
    good luck



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