Mar 3, 2010

Losing Yourself

People always think that the most painful thing is losing the one you love. But
the truth is, losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much and
forgetting that you're special too, is equally painful.

Lama tidak nge-blog, saya cuma mampir untuk nge-drop quote menarik diatas.

Tell me what you think about the quote. :)
Have you ever experience losing yourself because you love someone too much?
Is losing yourself, indeed, the price we need to pay for happiness?

Yuk yuk. Bantu saya membangun tulisan yang lebih panjang. :D


  1. min, jadi suka kaaan sama tumblr sekarang, gotcha! hahaha.

  2. huahaha.... losing yourself mungkin engga.... tapi transforming into someone new mungkin iya... karna pasti ada hal-hal yang masuk/keluar dari diri kita when we love someone dan akhirnya hal-hal itu kita absorb jadi new value that we hold and it transform us into somebody new...

    ngemeng apalah gue niiiiii

  3. Gue bikin tumblr tepat setelah baca postingan ini. Ahahahahahaha =p

  4. oh i could write a whole post on this subject :d hehe..but maybe i should start with making a tumblr :)

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    when that happens then maybe it's not really love? *sigh

  6. @bat: iyaa batariii. i check that runawaytrain every 2 days. hehe.

    @ebi: iya bi. Bagusnya begitu ya. mingkin di kutipan itu maksudnya, lo mengorbankan prinsip2 dan nilai2 yang lo pegang demi supaya orang yang lo sayang ga pergi.

    @nad: ayoo bikin dong Nad.. Hehehehe.

    @kethy: ayo tulis Ket. I wanna know what you think about this.

    @upi: yes Pi. I agree. when someone demands his/her significant other to sacrifice him/herself, this may not even be love.


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