Jan 25, 2010


"I don't say it often but I'm scared. I can’t stand the fact that you could hurt
me. I don’t like being this close, but I love it. You’re my everything and I
hate it. Because you have everything you need to break me. And I’m not saying
you will, but I am scared."

"I keep thinking of how much I love talking to you, how good you look when you
smile, and how much I love your laugh. I daydream about you every moment,
replaying pieces of our conversation, laughing at funny things that you said or
did. I’ve memorized your face and the way that you look at me. I catch myself
smiling again at what I imagine. I can’t wait to see you again and I wonder what
will happen the next time we are together. I really hope you know how much I
cherish the time that we get to spend together."

"I don't know what it is about you. Maybe it’s the way nothing else matters when
we’re talking, or how you make me smile more than anyone else has. Or maybe it
could be the way you say the right thing at the right time. But whatever it is,
I just want you to know that it means everything to me."

Nothing special, really. I am not in love. I'm just being mellow tonight. Hehehe.
And well, maybe I kinda miss being in love a little bit (excluding the heartache etc.)
Haha. So yeah, tonight is my mellow time!

PS. And I kinda blame Batari for intoduced me to this fascinating tumblr (where I got all the quotes above) and made my night even more mellow...


  1. Katanya nggak mau dishare ke orang laiiin, Miiin :) Kalau quote favorit gue yang mana ya... yang ini nih : "Mathematics may not teach us how to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, or to love a friend and forgive an enemy. But it gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution."

  2. oh my God. Batariii... harus kah lo pilih quote yang ada kata2 mathematicsnya??

    Iya, sebenernya gue ga mau sharee.. tapi kan ntar gue dibilang membajak karya cipta orang kalo ga gue kasih sumbernya... hua..


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