I went down with my sister, ready to meet a prospective buyer for my Mom's apartment. Turned out the woman brought along her husband. As we were climbing up to 25th floor, they told me that they were looking for a place to live as currently they are still renting a room in a kos-kosan.
25th floor. I took them to our unit and showed around every corner of it. I didn't have to do much since they actively checked everything and took pictures. I was sitting on the bar chair and watching the young couple (they are probably 2-3 years older than me) when it crossed my mind: I am going to be like them, they are us in the future.
One day I am going to visit a house or an apartment, take many pictures of it, imagine myself and my future family living there. I will be thinking: I am going to make breakfast in this kitchen, sleep in this bedroom, watch TV in this living room, put a photo on that wall, I am going to come home here. Then I will try to picture myself living that life, does it fit me?
The couple finally finished taking all the pictures that they needed. The wife told me she would contact me again, then we said goodbye. I wish them the best. I hope they can picture themselves in the apartment. Because when my time comes, I hope I will find a nice place owned by people who wish me the best.