Feb 14, 2008

101st Proposal [1]

When I was a child, about 10 or 11, there was this Japan serial called 101st Proposal. It was a story about a man named Tetsuro in the conquere of his love. Classic, huh?

The difference, or the interesting, point of this serial was because the main character, Tesuro, was not a handsome or athletics or rich man. He was an ordinary man like we used to see and know in our daily life. He was kind of short with a classic, a bit stupid, haircut. I am not saying that he was ugly, he was just too ordinary.
And there was no any make over that suddenly turn Tetsuro into a handsome prince charming in this serial. This was not a story about ugly duck that turn to be a swan.

Tetsuro had had 100 rejections in his life. 100 women that he proposed rejected him or just simply left him. Then he met this pretty woman named Kaoru, and fell in love. Things were not going smooth for Tetsuro, not only because he wasn’t physically attractive but also because Kaoru was a frigid yet cold woman. She had a kind of trauma after her fiancée died on their wedding day.
And since Kaoru was a very beautiful lady, there were lots of men who were more handsome and richer that Tetsuro chased her too.

Since Tetsuro was not a quitter, he kept pursuing for Kaoru. Slowly, his kindness touched Kaoru. Tetsuro was a very kind and innocent man indeed.
But dating Kaoru was not an end for Tetsuro. Right after they decided to get married, Kaoru met a man who was very much looked like his previous fiancée. Not only his look, but also his attitude was almost the same with him. And to made things even more complicated, this man was happened to be Tetsuro's new boss.

Kaoru started to doubt her feeling. Did she really love Tetsuro anyway? Tetsuro made her felt comfortable and at ease, indeed. But was it love? Why didn’t her heart race when she was with Tetsuro like it did when she was with the other man?

The question is: which one is more like love, comfort or heart race?
NB. I found a part of this dorama in Youtube, try this.


  1. saya mau dua-duanya! comfort dan heart's race! biar dibilang maruk juga. hahaha. anw, min, jadi si abang baru ini masuk golongan mana? hahaha.
    finally, ada posting baru. kangen baca blog lo!

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Hahaha. Si melati satu ini menemukan cinta lagi!

    Pantesan blog ga diupdate.

    *Ada 'kerjaan' baru gitu loh :)

  3. emangnya siapa sang "cinta" ituh,..hihihihi,..

  4. Anonymous10:20 PM

    sebenernya saya juga pengen tau jawabannya.. ada bener salah gak yaa..? tapi kok kayanya bisa deh dua-duanya ya.. hehehe... =)

  5. Anonymous10:32 PM

    heart race buat pacaran, comfort buat pasangan hidup :)

  6. sepakat..
    heart race buat pacaran, buat idup lo lbh berwarna, kenikmatan seperti naek roller coaster, kadang diperlukan buat lo ngerasa 'hidup'..
    comfort buat nikah jelas, krn saat nikah nanti heart race uda gak akan beralaku lg buat org yg setiap bangun pagi ada di samping kita..

    pertanyaan batari djawab dulu lah min, klo ama si bang r*** masuk kategori mana..?

  7. min, mau tanya LASIK lagi (huhu sampe skrg ga berani)..

    anyway, i prefer both comfort and heart race. can't get to comfort without the heart race, and the heart race will slowdown w/o the comfort.

  8. bat :
    wahaha, maruk lo bat. tapi emang bisa ya bat? emang lo bisa naik roller coaster dan merasa nyaman?
    kalo si abang baru ini sih bat.. ya.. begitulah. hahaha.

    echi :
    hoho.. bukan karena itu chi ga di update. tapi karena internet di kosan gue belakangan ini agak masalah.

    zul :
    asik ada pengunjung baruu!! hoho.. siapa ya zul? saya juga pengen tau..

    bu widy :
    [liat tanggapan untuk bat]. mungkin bisa dua2nya, tapi kayaknya sulit ya untuk bikin komposisinya persis 50%-50%. Kalo disuruh milih, bu widy maunya lebih cenderung kemana?

    rangga :
    huww.. kangen.. kemana aja Ngga? hehe. betulkah begitu Ngga? klao gitu sekarang lo mencari comfort atau heart race Ngga?

    dinop : aw, begitu ya Di? pertanyaan yang sama dengan rangga, kalo sekarang lo mencari comfort atau heart race? yakin nih ga butuh comfort di kala pacaran dan ga butuh heart race kalo udah nikah nanti??

  9. oia, me ini siapa ya? kok profilnya ga bisa diakses?

  10. Anonymous5:03 PM

    itu gua min..gw juga ga ngerti tiba2 blogger gw jadi kaya gitu..-kethy

    btw, ini film seangkatan sama tokyo love story ga?

  11. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Ooo ... Ini postingan pertama setelah si 'ehm..ehm..' bertaut di hati ya? :D

  12. mirip cintapucino gak sih?
    *padahal belom baca dan belom nonton

    entah kenapa di sekeliling daku lagi terjadi banyak kasus seperti itu

    heart's race sama cowok masa lalu dan memutus hubungan dengan cowonya sekarang..

  13. Anonymous4:53 PM

    kalo disuruh milih sih...
    saya milih yang comfort aja deh...

  14. kethy : yaa.. sejaman lah sama tokyo love story kayaknya. wah, belom jadi lasik juga ket? bukannya februari jadwalnya?

    iging : ehm ehm? :P

    ray : enggak ray. kalo cintapuccino kan si cinta masa sma itu beneran muncul lagi. kalo ini kan cuma orang yang mirip banget sama si cinta sma. tapi yaa.. mirip2 lah. btw, gue ga suka cintapuccino

    bu widy : ouh ouh.. ternyata.. haha..

  15. kalo skrg sih gw prefer heart race min, biar ngerasa lebih idup dan berwarna, enjoying life, siapa tau si heart race lama2 bs bkin comfort jg..

    gw pnah ngerasain butterfly-in-my-stomach itu min, sama si heart race, bukan si comfort..

    *klo ama si abang baru pasti jatohnya heart race ya min, deg2an krn ngeri.. hahaha.. :D

  16. maaf,
    bisa berikan siopsisnya dalam bahasa indonesia?
    saya agak2 kurang mengerti selain bahasa arab dan indonesia,

    good luck,


  17. sinopsis itu maksudnya -_-
    maklum udah 5 watt mata gw,


  18. dinov : hahaha.. bukan gue lho yaa yang bilang gituu...

    aim : hehe. yah panjang im ceritanya. ntar aja deh gue ceritain langsung kalo kita ketemu yaak..

  19. Anonymous9:22 PM

    min, kalo gw sih maunya bukan "heart race" ato "comfort" lagi.. tapi SUPPORT (on everything i do) hehehe

    masa' nyokap gw bilang... "kamu cari istri ga usah cantik2, asal bisa masak, bersihin rumah dan ngurus anak"


  20. min gimana kok ga dijawab? comfort or heart race? hihihi cie cieee tambah sibuk deh lo sekarang :D

    *gantian gangguin yang baru jadian

  21. rangga : wahahaha. yaudah lah Ngga, pembantu di rumah lo aja lo lamar kalo gitu...

    upi : racing in comfort, mungkin ga?hahaha. iseng banget lo!


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