Jan 2, 2008

When the semester is about to be ended

This semester is about to be ended. It was the toughest semester as long as I can remember. I knew it from the beginning. That’s why, since last year I tried to prepare myself better. I planned to finish all my organization activities in 6th semester so that I can stay focus in my academic activities in my final year. And things were going as well as my plan.

I nearly never visit LFM or Boulevard again this semester. I was drown into millions assignments, final project proposal and lab activities. And then, one day, a coincident meeting with a friend of mine surprisingly took me into nostalgia of the times when I still spent lots of my time in my units.


The Bench.

Yes, when I recalled my memory about LFM, the first thing that appeared in my mind was the bench in front of “Ruang Santai”. I always love to sit there for hours.

There were times when I always ran to LFM every time I had spare times. I knew I could always find people in LFM, that’s why I liked to spend my times there. LFM gave me a fun and cozy place to wait until the next class begins.

When it came to works, LFM could be very professional. Since it is a huge unit with a large number of members, every project or activity must be planned in details.

And the “Kru” were also amazing. There were lots of different people in LFM. I learned to understand and tolerate those differences. In their each own way, they kept me inspired day by day.


Is the acronym of “Kegiatan Bukan Boulevard”. No one ever really defined what that would be. As long as I know, every activity that didn’t have any relation with journalism or the tabloid, including hang out, billiard, karaoke and so on.

It was not writing that kept me in Boulevard, but the community. It is a small community with millions ideas, stories and idealisms. And because there were not much people in Boulevard, it made the connection between each member stronger.

Although it has small number in members, but Boulevard seems not afraid of anything. Not even to those people in Annex, KM, Himpunan, etc. Sometimes, it took Boulevard into some troubles. Hehe.

One thing that I like the most about Boulevard is its independency.

I had so much great times in Boulevard, and great friends also.


Then I found myself miss them awfully. I never thought leaving them would make me feel somewhat numb… and lonely. Although the toughest semester is about to be ended, I do not feel much improvements in me. It is because this semester I’ve let myself apart from things that I love.


  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    pasti gara2 KBB kemaren?

  2. huehe denger2 kemaren threesome ya min ama ray dan ikram? huhu maap ga jadi ikutan..

  3. hmmn..bagus sih bagus..tapi mana link gw!!!kurang ajar..

    gak gw ajak ke hawaii juga lo!

  4. ray : haha. sebenernya temen yang kebetulan ketemu itu bukan lo sama ikram sih. haha. udah kejadian lama ray, tapi baru gue post sekarang. tapi 3some kemaren juga bikin gue kangen boul kok...

    upi : huuuuuh. iya... dasar lo! stucked on your relative's b'day. sial. kan gue jadi paling bloon main biliarnya. haha.

    mie : eh, blom ya? perasaan udah deh. hoho. maap2, baru ganti layout soalnya.

  5. iya ya boul bikin kangen ih. zaman2 masih bloon itu loh min, zaman baru2 nulis.

  6. gw termasuk yg dikangenin gak min? =)

  7. wueee. sigiiit. suit suit.. cinta lama bersemi kembali ya git? hihihihi. *ampuuuun

  8. yasmin : jaman2 masih bloon dan masih ada pemred kacrut yang suka marah-marah itu lhoo bat.. ups, sori, pemred kacrut itu sekarang pacar lo ya... hehehehe...

    sigit : iya git... semua anak boul gue kangenin kok.

  9. Anonymous11:33 PM

    \ \ | / /

    \( ^o^)/
    L L

  10. Anonymous5:36 PM

    iyaaaa, huhuhu kangen. Rasanya memang beda. 'Ditinggal' temen2 seangkatan di Boul sempet bikin gue lonely. Oh ya, satu lagi yang gue setuju min, semester ini sumpahh lamaaaa bgt.

    Gue inget banget tuh Bat, ditungguin sama pemred kacrut buat ngedit tulisan selasar, hahaha.

    Eh, sigit udah ada yang mau ya? :p

  11. selamat malam min
    smoga sukses semester depan
    good luck


  12. Ada yang kurang. Ketika semester akan berakhir.. Saatnya menjalin hubungan dengan seseorang :P

    Siapa Min, siapa? Yang waktu itu kita bahas bukan?

  13. Min, saat g baru baca nostalgia lo yang lama.. kayanya skarang lo udah memulai "sesuatu" yang baru ya?

    tantangan komen di atas g ini, kejawab udah!!

    slamet yee

  14. Miminnnnnnnn... Baru mampir lagi ke blog lo dan pas baca ttg LFM... Huhuhu... Miss those time and miss u too,darling!! ;D


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