Feb 16, 2008


When the sun shine,
we shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella

This song simply reminds me to them.

In my rainy days, they were some of very few people who saw my tears while most people didn’t even notice my grief. I still remember, those were my tears on your shoulder.

If listen to all your stories in these rainy days of yours can make you feel a bit happier, that would be an honor for me to do so.

You can run into my arms
It's okay don't be alarmed
Come into me
There's no distance in between our love
So go on and let the rain pour
I'll be all you need and more


  1. "If listen to all your stories in these rainy days of yours can make you feel a bit happier, that would be an honor for me to do so."

    that was just so sweett..

    kapan2 pinjem quote di atas ya min.. :)

  2. Anonymous3:43 AM

    *ga bisa basa enggress..

    berbicara soal pertemanan dan teman, selalu membuat saya terdiam, senyum sedikit...

    karena selama di rantau orang, hanya temanlah yang ada disekitar saya :)

    I AM a lot happier now, indeed..;)))

  4. bener yah min yah...

    (*hahaha...berasa dimasukin ke list-nya yasmin*)

  5. dinop : ou.. silakan aja di.. jangan lupa royalty fee nya yaa.. haha

    leksa : haha, iya nih. kalo yang agak menye2 gitu, gue lebih enak pake bahasa inggris. tapi posting berikutnya dalam bahasa bangsa kita kok.

    nadya : idih, GR.

    ebi : hoo.. u still one of my favorite person juga kok bi..

  6. Anonymous12:01 AM

    such some nice words from a nice person hehehe...

    eh btw busway...enid blyton yah? hehhee....5 sekawan? iya suka banget dulu buku itu....

    coba deh ke gramedia yang di jalan merdeka...kalo gak salah gw pernah liat versi bahasa inggrisnya hehehehehe

  7. GEER doooongs!
    huahahaha...langsung disms kok begitu postingannya keluar, masa' gak geer!

  8. Hiii... jadi ngeri gini tulisan lo Min..
    "If listen to all your stories in these rainy days of yours can make you feel a bit happier, that would be an honor for me to do so."

    inspiring Min!!

  9. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Itu lagunya yang

    "ella... ella...
    eee... eeee..."

    itu bukan sih??


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