Apr 18, 2011


Tweeting, or mostly tweet-reading, has been my default of killing time while going back from the office (basically from ANYWHERE since the city where I live in now happens to be a close friend of traffic jam).

So, this evening I was reading a friend's tweet, @jonathanend, where he mentioned Friendster several time. Yeah baby, Friendster. I couldn't help but wonder what happened to my Friendster now?

Then when I got home, I prayed, had dinner, watched TV, read some gossips about KD's pregnancy, watched a video of a shark in a golf club's lake in Australia, checked my FB.... well, I didn't really think about the Friendster thing actually. Only when it was almost midnight and tv programs were getting lame, the thing came up again.

So, I search "Friendster Floresiana Yasmin". Hmm... not good. My FB, blog, and some posts appeared instead.

Okay, maybe I should go to Friendster, hoping that my memory somehow works well this time so I can remember the email and password. But can you guess what I found in www.friendster.com??

Why gaming, oh dear, why GAMING???

And my memory is sucks as always, I can't recall my email or password.
To be honest, I don't even remember what I've done to my Friendster accound. Did I finally delete it? Did I make it private? Did I just leave it at some point?

Oh, no.

I want my Friendster back. Give me my Friendster back!
I had tons of photos there, and testimonials, and some messages, and... I really want to know how was I doing 5 years ago.
Though, let's be honest, Friendster complicated our lives. Or at least mine.
Ah, well, I was teenage at that time, everything seemed to be very complicated anyway.

But but but but... I still want my Friendster back. So I can save it somewhere safe in my own hardisk and delete it for good from the Internet. You know, to save my future-self from humiliation.


  1. Hahahhaha... buka FS tuh aib banget deh.. testimoni-testimoninya.. aib.. tapi beneran.. banyak foto yang harus diambil..foto masa muda nan langsing nan mulus ituh. :D

  2. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Can you find, "forgot password" friendster feature? Oh, I just prefer left all memories behind ;-)

  3. @Iyra: lo bisa buka FS lo? Gimana caranya?

    @Zaki: Emmm... belum sih Zak. Hehehe. Masalahnya juga gue ga inget pake email apa PS gue dulu. Hahaha.

  4. Hohoho untung yg punya gw foto2nya udah didelete-in.


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Dear all, This blog is not going to be updated often as I have created another one at www.floresianay.wordpress.com which will be focusi...