Apr 10, 2011

Growing old

Oh, it's April already. And I'm already 25 years old now ;)

When I was like 16, I was kinda terrified of being 18. Geez, 18 sounded very "mbak-mbak". Maybe I watched sinetron too much because I had grown an idea that female college students must have wear heels and make up. I turned 18 and everything was okay. I didn't wear heel or make up and I didn't feel anything like "mbak-mbak". In fact, I felt young again cause that year I entered college and found myself as first grade student again (which means the youngest of all grades).

So, when I was 18, I was worried to become 20. Geez, 20 is no longer teenage. I am no longer teenager! And if I filled out a questionaire, I would have to group myself with the 20s people (which you know, ranges from 20 to 29. 29! Twenty-f*ckin-nine!). Then I turned 20, and everything was fine. I had been living apart from my family for 2 years and I felt like I am now taking more control in my life. I'm not even jealous with the teenagers anymore. Why should I? They are.. you know.. teeeeenageeeeerrrrr.... Bunch of grown-up-wannabes with unstable mood and severe acne problems. Tsk.

So, as you may already guess, I started to fear of being 25 (well actually 23 and 24 also, but the post would be too long).

Then I turned 25, about a couple weeks ago, and everything was great! I don't mean the celebration whatsoever. I mean, being 25 is fine. I've already got my bachelor degree, I can make a living, I run a business that I love, yet still work as Marketing analyst, I have great friends, family, and boyfriend. I'm not saying that my life is perfect but at least my life is going somewhere.

For now, yes, I've developed new fear of being 30. But somehow, I'm sure that by the time I turn 30 I will have new exciting things going on in my life (like kids, maybe. ;P). Perhaps growing old is not something I need to worry about. Just because I can't picture out what good things that might happen when I am 40, it doesn't mean there is nothing waiting for me.

And as birthday present, I bought myself a new laptop. The one I can carry anywhere without causing shoulder pain. Yeay!
Being 25 is cool, indeed.


  1. happy birthday my dearest yasmoon.

  2. Enjoy every second of your time, Yasmin!

  3. happy birthday Yasminnnn! Mau dong foto lepitop barunyaaa.. hihi.. happy 25! *5 tahun lagi 30.. sama.. takut juga. hahaha*

  4. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Wah2, baru liat euy awak blog-nya Yasmin euy,
    dan waaaaahhh, Great blog..!!!
    Permisi, bongkar2 yak..he3 :-)



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