Aug 3, 2006

lovy dovyyy... yucks..

Talking about friends, couples months ago I surfed on the internet searched for a poem about friendship. And I found millions of poems. Mostly the poems are about the warmth of the friendship or footprints or sunshine and whatever stuffs.
But somehow, my close friends are not always nice. Because:
1. Sometimes they don’t listen to me.
2. Sometimes they don’t keep their promises.
3. Sometimes they lied.
4. Sometimes they don’t do what they told me they’re going to do.
5. Sometimes they don’t answer my calls.
6. Sometimes they don’t reply my sms.
7. Sometimes they are being so annoying.
8. Sometimes they act like kids.
9. Sometimes they let me down.
10. Sometimes they screw up.
11. Sometimes they are sucks.

And sometimes I’m fed up with them. Sometimes I turn my back on them. Sometimes I feel like I want to slap their faces or kick their ass’ [but it never really happened].

Sometimes they don’t notice my negatives feeling. Sometimes they notice but they pretend that they don’t know. Sometimes they say it out loud: “what is wrong with you?”.

Well, they’re not perfect, same like me. But that’s what they really are. Of course, there are also a lot of reasons why I like them. But I won’t write those things here, because trust me, these people are a bunch of narsis creatures [yeah, that’s why they are my friends].

Overall, I’m happy to have them including all of their good and bad sides in my life. I guess nothing I can do but accept them as a complete person anyway.:)


  1. 11 yang lo sebutin di atas gak ada semua di gua ya kan min?
    *contoh narsis*

  2. Ich finde dein Blog interessant. Du solltest dich auch für mein Blog interessieren. Bitte besuch mich unter Du bist sehr wunderschön. Ich will mit dir schlafen. Danke schön.

  3. kenapa di yasmin aja yang bahasa jerman? kenapa? kenapa?

  4. emang kalo di blog lo bhs jerman juga lo ngerti baaat?? hehehe..

    atau sigit emang pengen bikin supaya di blognya yasmin spesial, gitu..


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