Selain menonton serial TV dan memenuhi blog dengan berbagai tulisan random, salah satu hal yang saya lakukan dalam mengisi waktu luang akhir-akhir ini adalah mencoba berbagai kuliner di Bandung. Kegiatan yang sudah lama saya canangkan bersama teman-teman namun tak jua terwujud.
Awalnya ketika minggu lalu saya (seperti biasa) kelimpungan lantaran tak ada kerjaan. Teman-teman saya kalau tidak sibuk dengan urusan lain, kebanyakan sedang berada di kampung/kota halaman masing-masing. Sisanya sedang kelimpungan juga, tapi lantaran mengejar deadline TA. Tinggalah saya sendiri di kamar kosan bersama barang-barang yang sudah dipak termangu seorangan diiringi suara perut keroncongan.
Biasanya pada keadaan seperti ini saya akan mengambil jalan praktis, beli bakmi jawa di depan kompleks, atau beli roti di Waroong, atau (kalau sedang berduit) drive thru cheeseburger ke McD, atau saya abaikan saja suara sayup-sayup keroncongan itu.
Tapi kali itu saya tidak ingin malam berlalu dengan percuma. Apalagi mengingat keberadaan saya di Bandung tinggal sekitar satu minggu lagi.
Saya mau makan di tempat yang belum pernah saya coba, demikian ide yang terasa brilian itu mampir di kepala.
Segeralah saya browsing tempat kuliner di Bandung via internet. Sing browsing browsing, tertambatlah saya pada sebuah situs tentang kuliner di Indonesia. Singkat kata singkat cerita, ketemulah saya dengan review mengenai Nasi Bancakan yang berada di Jl Trunojoyo No 62 (saya tulis alamat ini di tangan), persis di sebelah restoran Sambara.
Datanglah saya seorangan kesana. Biar tidak keki saya bawa juga buku pelajaran bahasa Perancis supaya saya bisa sembari belajar mengejar ketertinggalan selama 1 bulan saya absen dari kelas.
Tempatnya bagus, ada tempat lesehannya juga. Murah pula, apalagi dengan sistem prasmanan. Untuk nasi, ayam goreng, sayur dan segelas es teh manis, saya hanya mengeluarkan Rp 10.500.
Rasanya pun enak. Saya tidak mencoba banyak soalnya kebanyakan merupakan masakan pedas. Tapi ayamnya sih enak.
Besoknya sewaktu istirahat di CCF, saya mencoba mengumpulkan masukan dari beberapa teman mengenai tempat kuliner murah lainnya di Bandung. Beberapa orang bilang baso yang di depan Superindo Dago itu uenaakk. Lalu ada juga info tentang tulang ikan bawal (sebenarnya saya lupa ikan apa..), yang terletak di belakang 18th Park di Jalan Riau. Awalnya saya sudah semangat dengan tulang ikan ini, namun ternyata konon makanan ini pedasdasdas, maka urunglah niat saya untuk menjambanginya.
Berdasarkan hasil browsing malam sebelumnya, dari situs yang sama juga, saya memperoleh informasi mengenai sosis yang dijual di FO The Secret yang terletak di Jalan Riau. Sekedar memastikan, saya coba konfirmasi keabsahan info soal sosis ini kepada teman-teman CCF saya. Eh, ternyata mereka malah pada mau ikut mencoba. Hahaha. Saya sih senang-senang saja.
Jadilah siang itu usai les kami berlima pergi makan sosis ke FO The Secret.
Oia, kalau Anda kesana, jangan langsung beli sosis yang ada di depan FOnya, tapi Anda harus masuk ke halaman dalamnya. Disana selain sosis, ada berbagai stand yang lain. Selain sosis, saya juga mencoba jus campuran stawberi dan leci yang dinamai Sweet Virgin, lalu saya juga mencoba berbagai sampel kue kering yang ada di Choco Deli. Aduuhh... itu kuenya enak banget. Sayang saja agak mahal.
Karena akhir minggu saya ke Jakarta, maka perburuan berikutnya baru dilakukan hari Selasa malam. Raihan, Nisa dan the mosquito (saya!) makan malam di tempat yang disebut Raihan sebagai Nasi Goreng Oriental tapi nama yang sebenarnya sih Rupa Rasa. Letaknya di daerah Cigadung, persis di Apotek Amanta (atau Amata?).
Jenis nasi gorengnya ada nasi goreng oriental, nasi goreng Bali dan nasi goreng nanas. Saya pesan yang nanas, sementara yang lain pesan oriental dan Bali. Enak! Dengan harga hanya Rp 8000 saja. Hohoho. Oia, lucunya, meskipun tempatnya sejenis dengan warung tenda, tapi ada chefnya lhoo.. Atau orang yang berpakaian chef. Entahlah.
Terakhir siang tadi saya dan Nisa makan di ayam goreng sebelah hotel Sheraton Dago itu (entah apa namanya, kalau Raihan sih menyebutnya AyGorPur=Ayam Goreng Purwakarta). Enak juga, pakai serundeng gitu. Saya habiskan Rp 15.000 untuk nasi, ayam goreng, teh botol dan jus jeruk.
Saya masih punya agenda untuk mencoba baso Superindo yang konon enak itu. Kira-kira apalagi ya makanan enak, TIDAK PEDAS dan murah yang bisa dicoba? Ada saran?
PS. Saya mulai kehabisan waktu nih. Sebentar lagi saya sudah akan mulai hijrah ke Jakarta...
Feb 18, 2009
Feb 12, 2009
My recent TV serials
Di masa-masa menganggur begini salah satu hal favorit yang saya lakukan untuk membunuh waktu adalah nonton tv serial. Berbagai macam serial saya lahap. Thanks to Aldud yang membuat saya update dengan episode-episode terbaru.
Hal lain yang saya lakukan adalah mengisi blog saya dengan tulisan-tulisan yang saya tidak peduli berguna atau tidak bagi khalayak ramai. Seperti yang ini. Ya, yang sedang Anda baca ini. Saya ingin berbagi mengenai serial-serial yang belakangan saya tonton. Saya harap Anda tidak berekspektasi bahwa tulisan ini akan menarik. Karena toh ini tulisan yang saya buat untuk mengisi waktu luang. Sama seperti tulisan-tulisan sebelumnya. Dan mungkin tulisan-tulisan berikutnya. Hahah.
#Gossip Girl
Awalnya cerita GG ini seru. Ditambah faktor busana dan kehidupan glamour yang melimpah, rasanya seperti nonton dongeng modern.
Tapi lama-kelamaan jadi agak aneh. Terutama season 2 ini. Mungkin karena memang dasarnya cerita tentang anak SMA ya, jadi memang labil. Sebentar putus sebentar jadian. Sebentar benci sebentar cinta. Putus alasannya tidak jelas, jadian pun alasannya tidak jelas.
Lalu remaja-remaja ini konon hidupnya berat nian. Makanya mungkin gara-gara itulah mereka jadi nampak lebih tua dari umurnya.

See? Despite of her school uniform, she looked like 20 something. Or 30?
Still, it's fun to watch. Paling tidak melihat kostum-kostum Blair Waldorf itu lumayan menyenangkan. Juga betapa mewahnya kehidupan kalangan atas. Saran saya sih, jangan dipikirkan terlalu dalam jalan ceritanya ("scandalous lives of manhattan's elites"?), soalnya nanti capek sendiri.
#Grey's Anatomy
Saya baruuu saja mulai mengikuti serial ini. Kira-kira satu bulan lalu.
Ternyata menarik juga lho. Bikin saya ingin pindah haluan jadi dokter. Habis serial ini membuat seolah-olah menjadi surgeon itu seru sekali.
Tokohnya beraneka ragam jadi tidak bosan. Jalan ceritanya menarik sih meskipun ada beberapa hal yang rasanya tidak masuk akal. Seperti bagaimana mungkin ruang on-call itu selalu available setiap kali ada yang mau having sex. Yeiks.
Tapi, serial ini satu-satunya serial yang tidak bosan saya tonton ulang tiap-tiap episodenya. Padahal saya termasuk orang yang tidak suka menonton berulang-ulang. Makanya untuk serial yang satu ini saya bercita-cita untuk tidak akan menghapus file-filenya. Hoho.
#Private Practice
Konon, saya lebih dulu nonton PP daripada Grey's. Senang juga saya menonton serial ini.
Tapi setelah nonton Grey's, PP kayaknya jadi terlalu ringan. Mungkin memang beda segmen.
Di Grey's tokoh utamanya si Meredith itu berusia sekitar 20-an akhir mungkin. Yah pokoknya pada usia-usia segitulah. Makanya alur ceritanya lebih cepat dan kasus-kasusnya lebih tegang. Sementara PP ini bercerita tentang Addison yang kalau tidak salah sih di cerita ini berusia 39 tahun. Jadi kasus-kasusnya juga lebih ringan tapi lebih banyak ke masalah pribadi si pasiennya. Yang ini mungkin memang diperuntukkan untuk mereka yang pada usia midlife.
Anehnya, di serial ini si tokoh utama, Addison, sepertinya tidak punya pasangan steady. Maksudnya kalau di serial-serial lain kan ada Meredith dengan Derek, atau Susan dengan Mike, atau Carrie dengan Big dsb.
#Lipstick Jungle
Saya menonton serial ini sebagai downline nya Batari. Dia bilang bagus, saya tontonlah. Dan memang bagus kok biarpun ceritanya standar. Mirip kayak Sex & the City, tapi disini selain tentang cinta dan persahabatan, banyak juga diulas seputar karier mereka. Tokohnya ada 3 orang: Wendy, Victory dan Nico. Plus suami-suami dan pacar mereka.
#Desperate Housewives
Kalau saya tadi bilang Lipstick Jungle itu bagus tapi standar, itu karena saya bandingkan dengan Desperate Housewives. Unik. Cerita tentang ibu-ibu suburb ini suka aneh-aneh. Bisa lucu, thriller, mengharukan, pokoknya campur baur. Apalagi tokoh-tokoh utamanya punya karakter yang beda-beda. This is one of my most favorites.
Di season 5 yang saya tonton, ceritanya sudah 5 tahun setelah season 4 selesai jadi masing-masing tokoh mengalami perubahan. Pertama-tama aneh juga sih melihat perubahannya. Tapi justru kalau tidak berubah malah aneh bukan? Saya malah senang, soalnya ternyata setelah usia 30-an akhir atau 40-an pun, masih banyak ya hal yang bisa terjadi dalam hidup?
Anw, untuk season 5 ini episode 10 dan 13 adalah favorit saya.
#CSI: NY, LV, Miami
Entah mengapa saya tidak menemukan orang lain yang juga getol dengan serial ini. Padahal seru lho temaaaan.
CSI itu kependekan dari Crime Scene Investigation. Jadi ceritanya adalah tentang proses penyidikan kasus-kasus kejahatan (hampir semuanya pembunuhan). Di tiap kasus itu pasti ada cerita-cerita yang menarik.
CSI ini sebenarnya ada 3 versi. Yaitu CSI doang, yang ini mengambil tempat di Las Vegas. Banyak ditampilkan kehidupan di Las Vegas juga. Tapi kantor CSI yang ini kok rasanya gelap banget ya? Pokoknya nontonnya harus sambil nyureng-nyureng gitu lho.
Trus yang kedua CSI: NY yang settingnya di New York. Nah yang ini favorit saya. Soalnya... New York! Seru lho melihat kehidupan brutal di sana. CSI:NY juga punya pencahayaan yang pas. Tidak terlalu gelap atau terang. Penokohannya juga bagus.
Yang ketiga CSI:Miami, yang tentu saja berlatar belakang kota Miami. Nah, inilah versi CSI yang paling tidak saya suka diantara ketiganya. Pasalnya settingnya terlalu terang dan ceritanya terlalu didramatisir. Sudah begitu sering juga episode-episode soal mafia-mafia gitu. Menurut saya sih tidak seseru kedua CSI yang lain.
Enaknya nonton CSI itu, tidak perlu berurutan karena biasanya tiap episode punya cerita sendiri. Jadi usai nonton Anda tidak akan penasaran tentang episode selanjutnya.
Sayang, karena Aldud maupun Batari yang biasanya merupakan supplier saya, tidak getol terhadap CSI, maka saya harus berusaha lebih keras sendirian untuk memperoleh episode-episode terbarunya.
#Prison Break
Saya sudah lama tidak nonton Prison Break. Terakhir saya tonton season 2 yang menurut saya seru sekali, bikin susah berhenti.
Untung juga sih sudah lama sejak terakhir saya nonton PB. Soalnya PB season 4 ini lumayan kebanting serunya dibanding season 1 atau 2.
Kalau di season-season sebelumnya menceritakan upaya mereka untuk breaking out, season 4 justru menceritakan usaha mereka untuk breaking in. Biarpun sudah tidak seseru yang sebelumnya, tapi masih enak ditonton kok.
Hoho. Cobalah ditotal, kalau satu episode sekitar 40 menit, sudah berapa jam yang saya habiskan untuk nonton serial-serial ini. Ckckck.
Hal lain yang saya lakukan adalah mengisi blog saya dengan tulisan-tulisan yang saya tidak peduli berguna atau tidak bagi khalayak ramai. Seperti yang ini. Ya, yang sedang Anda baca ini. Saya ingin berbagi mengenai serial-serial yang belakangan saya tonton. Saya harap Anda tidak berekspektasi bahwa tulisan ini akan menarik. Karena toh ini tulisan yang saya buat untuk mengisi waktu luang. Sama seperti tulisan-tulisan sebelumnya. Dan mungkin tulisan-tulisan berikutnya. Hahah.
#Gossip Girl
Awalnya cerita GG ini seru. Ditambah faktor busana dan kehidupan glamour yang melimpah, rasanya seperti nonton dongeng modern.
Tapi lama-kelamaan jadi agak aneh. Terutama season 2 ini. Mungkin karena memang dasarnya cerita tentang anak SMA ya, jadi memang labil. Sebentar putus sebentar jadian. Sebentar benci sebentar cinta. Putus alasannya tidak jelas, jadian pun alasannya tidak jelas.
Lalu remaja-remaja ini konon hidupnya berat nian. Makanya mungkin gara-gara itulah mereka jadi nampak lebih tua dari umurnya.

See? Despite of her school uniform, she looked like 20 something. Or 30?
Still, it's fun to watch. Paling tidak melihat kostum-kostum Blair Waldorf itu lumayan menyenangkan. Juga betapa mewahnya kehidupan kalangan atas. Saran saya sih, jangan dipikirkan terlalu dalam jalan ceritanya ("scandalous lives of manhattan's elites"?), soalnya nanti capek sendiri.
#Grey's Anatomy
Saya baruuu saja mulai mengikuti serial ini. Kira-kira satu bulan lalu.
Ternyata menarik juga lho. Bikin saya ingin pindah haluan jadi dokter. Habis serial ini membuat seolah-olah menjadi surgeon itu seru sekali.
Tokohnya beraneka ragam jadi tidak bosan. Jalan ceritanya menarik sih meskipun ada beberapa hal yang rasanya tidak masuk akal. Seperti bagaimana mungkin ruang on-call itu selalu available setiap kali ada yang mau having sex. Yeiks.
Tapi, serial ini satu-satunya serial yang tidak bosan saya tonton ulang tiap-tiap episodenya. Padahal saya termasuk orang yang tidak suka menonton berulang-ulang. Makanya untuk serial yang satu ini saya bercita-cita untuk tidak akan menghapus file-filenya. Hoho.
#Private Practice
Konon, saya lebih dulu nonton PP daripada Grey's. Senang juga saya menonton serial ini.
Tapi setelah nonton Grey's, PP kayaknya jadi terlalu ringan. Mungkin memang beda segmen.
Di Grey's tokoh utamanya si Meredith itu berusia sekitar 20-an akhir mungkin. Yah pokoknya pada usia-usia segitulah. Makanya alur ceritanya lebih cepat dan kasus-kasusnya lebih tegang. Sementara PP ini bercerita tentang Addison yang kalau tidak salah sih di cerita ini berusia 39 tahun. Jadi kasus-kasusnya juga lebih ringan tapi lebih banyak ke masalah pribadi si pasiennya. Yang ini mungkin memang diperuntukkan untuk mereka yang pada usia midlife.
Anehnya, di serial ini si tokoh utama, Addison, sepertinya tidak punya pasangan steady. Maksudnya kalau di serial-serial lain kan ada Meredith dengan Derek, atau Susan dengan Mike, atau Carrie dengan Big dsb.
#Lipstick Jungle
Saya menonton serial ini sebagai downline nya Batari. Dia bilang bagus, saya tontonlah. Dan memang bagus kok biarpun ceritanya standar. Mirip kayak Sex & the City, tapi disini selain tentang cinta dan persahabatan, banyak juga diulas seputar karier mereka. Tokohnya ada 3 orang: Wendy, Victory dan Nico. Plus suami-suami dan pacar mereka.
#Desperate Housewives
Kalau saya tadi bilang Lipstick Jungle itu bagus tapi standar, itu karena saya bandingkan dengan Desperate Housewives. Unik. Cerita tentang ibu-ibu suburb ini suka aneh-aneh. Bisa lucu, thriller, mengharukan, pokoknya campur baur. Apalagi tokoh-tokoh utamanya punya karakter yang beda-beda. This is one of my most favorites.
Di season 5 yang saya tonton, ceritanya sudah 5 tahun setelah season 4 selesai jadi masing-masing tokoh mengalami perubahan. Pertama-tama aneh juga sih melihat perubahannya. Tapi justru kalau tidak berubah malah aneh bukan? Saya malah senang, soalnya ternyata setelah usia 30-an akhir atau 40-an pun, masih banyak ya hal yang bisa terjadi dalam hidup?
Anw, untuk season 5 ini episode 10 dan 13 adalah favorit saya.
#CSI: NY, LV, Miami
Entah mengapa saya tidak menemukan orang lain yang juga getol dengan serial ini. Padahal seru lho temaaaan.
CSI itu kependekan dari Crime Scene Investigation. Jadi ceritanya adalah tentang proses penyidikan kasus-kasus kejahatan (hampir semuanya pembunuhan). Di tiap kasus itu pasti ada cerita-cerita yang menarik.
CSI ini sebenarnya ada 3 versi. Yaitu CSI doang, yang ini mengambil tempat di Las Vegas. Banyak ditampilkan kehidupan di Las Vegas juga. Tapi kantor CSI yang ini kok rasanya gelap banget ya? Pokoknya nontonnya harus sambil nyureng-nyureng gitu lho.
Trus yang kedua CSI: NY yang settingnya di New York. Nah yang ini favorit saya. Soalnya... New York! Seru lho melihat kehidupan brutal di sana. CSI:NY juga punya pencahayaan yang pas. Tidak terlalu gelap atau terang. Penokohannya juga bagus.
Yang ketiga CSI:Miami, yang tentu saja berlatar belakang kota Miami. Nah, inilah versi CSI yang paling tidak saya suka diantara ketiganya. Pasalnya settingnya terlalu terang dan ceritanya terlalu didramatisir. Sudah begitu sering juga episode-episode soal mafia-mafia gitu. Menurut saya sih tidak seseru kedua CSI yang lain.
Enaknya nonton CSI itu, tidak perlu berurutan karena biasanya tiap episode punya cerita sendiri. Jadi usai nonton Anda tidak akan penasaran tentang episode selanjutnya.
Sayang, karena Aldud maupun Batari yang biasanya merupakan supplier saya, tidak getol terhadap CSI, maka saya harus berusaha lebih keras sendirian untuk memperoleh episode-episode terbarunya.
#Prison Break
Saya sudah lama tidak nonton Prison Break. Terakhir saya tonton season 2 yang menurut saya seru sekali, bikin susah berhenti.
Untung juga sih sudah lama sejak terakhir saya nonton PB. Soalnya PB season 4 ini lumayan kebanting serunya dibanding season 1 atau 2.
Kalau di season-season sebelumnya menceritakan upaya mereka untuk breaking out, season 4 justru menceritakan usaha mereka untuk breaking in. Biarpun sudah tidak seseru yang sebelumnya, tapi masih enak ditonton kok.
Hoho. Cobalah ditotal, kalau satu episode sekitar 40 menit, sudah berapa jam yang saya habiskan untuk nonton serial-serial ini. Ckckck.
Feb 9, 2009
Girls from junior high
When I was in junior high, I had some ways some best friends: Arum, Ebi, Fitri and Ayu. I'm hoing to tell you about them, but before that I need to let you know that the main purpose of this posting is not about them or our friendship. It's more about what I've been thinking for some times.
Back then, those girls are still my best friends until now, even though we haven't met in a long time and we don't communicate really often. We've gone to different directions, quite far from where we started while in junior high. Well, it's been a really long time though. We've changed in several ways, but somehow I can still in some ways that we haven't.
Arum is the smartest one, silly but brilliant. She's also the most patient among us. And she's the oldest also. Haha. One fact that she doesn't really like to admit.
Ebi is the funniest one (as you can see from her blog). Despite of that, I also think that in some ways, she's the most romantic one. And she really loves to talk, about everything, but mostly about herself and her life. Haha. In a strange way, I love those talks (well, sometimes I do...).
Four of us have agreed that Fitri is the prettiest. She's kind of girl/woman that will looked good in any outfit or haircut. She maked an outfit looked good, not looked god because the outfit. Fun is also one of her things. Those and several more that made her a man eater. Haha. In a good way, of course. She's not (quite) a player, she's just adorable and guys love her.
Ayu is the one who's always been a good girl. She's like the main character in sinetrons, the protagonist one. Some friends consider me as family-woman, but trust me, I am nothing compare to her.
Arum, Ebi and I went to the same high school, while the other girls went to different schools. But we managed to keep out communication.
Then came the time when we had to decide which major we would've like to go in college. I was puzzled. My mom is a pediatrician so I had thought about being a doctor. At that time, almost all pf my friends wanted to be a doctor. It seemed cool to be one and able to cure sick people... and proved that you're a smartass. Well, everyone knew how difficult it was to be accepted as medicine student, especially at reputable universities. So it would be soooo freakin' nice to be one of those students.
But biology freaked me out. I thought that there was no way I could remember all those medical terms. Besides, it would take at least 6 years in school of medicine plus 4 years of specialty before I could be a pediatrician. Then when I would get married? Hah, silly reason from a silly impulsive teenager.
Medicine was off the table. I would take engineering instead. It was quite prestigious also.
Which one? I always like to draw so maybe I could be an architect. But I also like chemistry, so perhaps I could take chemical engineering. But industrial engineering also seemed interesting. Ithought, maybe I could have my own company in the future. That would be nice.
While I was puzzled by the alternatives, Arun had already made her decision. She always wanted to be a doctor. It wasn't easy, but like I've said, she's the smartest one.
She did prove that she was a smartass and became one of those chosen students. I was and always be happy for her.
When you know someone wants something really bad for good reasons, and the she/he finally able to realizes it, the happiness will spread. And you will feel it too.
While we were at colleger, we still managed to meet every once a while. Except fot Ayu, well let's say that she's been a bit out of our reach.
Sometimes we talked about our college, how the studies went, the new friends, the lecturers, etc.
My first and second year didn't go very well. I had failed at 2 subjects in my second year and didn't get really good results at other subjects. I though maybe I didn't belong to engineering at all.
I've never admitted this but for some times I felt jealous to Arum. Not because she could manage to get good results at her first and second year subjects, it was more because I could see her passion to what she was studying at.
Every time the girls and I went out together in the weekends, she barely forgot to bring some lecture materials to read. I understood that she always had some tests every week, which made me amaze that she could survive well.
But somehow, watched her studied quite hard was interesting. I learned that things didn't go easily on her too, but she tried to work it out. And it seemed that she was enjoying doing so.
Sometimes I asked her about medical problems I saw on TV or happened in my surroundings, and she could explain it very well. At least for a person who doesn't understand medicine like me, she seemed brilliant.
I recalled that medicine had been her dream since long time ago. She always wanted this. I believe that medicine is tough, but maybe if someone can manage to enjoy what she/he doing, things will be a bit easier. Every rock she/he stumbled upon to becomes a lessons, not a reason to feel down and angry.
It took more than 2 years for me to see how it should be worked through my best friend. I had to stop complaining and just started to work it out. I recalled the reason why I took engineering. Maybe it was for silly reasons, but I had been 'trapped' to that decision then.
Back then, I realized that I always had 2 options: find interest in other field of study, ot work this one out. I chose the second one. That time my choice wasn't based on silly reasons anymore.
Once the decision made, I must stopped play as a victim and took control of my life instead. The mind set made huge difference, because it was more about what I want, not what I thought people want from me. And somehow it worked. I managed to get results that could cover my previous ones.
Several weeks ago I watched Grey's Anatomy for the first time from the first season. It reminded me of this Arum thingy. Part of it because the serial is about surgeons/doctors, but mostly because of their determination of what they do. I am amazed on how those surgeons enjoy their exhausting jobs very much. That part reminded me of Arum.
It also evoked me about a kind of work like I've been dreaming of. Whether in my own company or somebody else's company, I want to have that kind of passion on what I do. So even though if I have to spend long hours on my works, it will still be a nice day to remember.
Back then, those girls are still my best friends until now, even though we haven't met in a long time and we don't communicate really often. We've gone to different directions, quite far from where we started while in junior high. Well, it's been a really long time though. We've changed in several ways, but somehow I can still in some ways that we haven't.
Arum is the smartest one, silly but brilliant. She's also the most patient among us. And she's the oldest also. Haha. One fact that she doesn't really like to admit.
Ebi is the funniest one (as you can see from her blog). Despite of that, I also think that in some ways, she's the most romantic one. And she really loves to talk, about everything, but mostly about herself and her life. Haha. In a strange way, I love those talks (well, sometimes I do...).
Four of us have agreed that Fitri is the prettiest. She's kind of girl/woman that will looked good in any outfit or haircut. She maked an outfit looked good, not looked god because the outfit. Fun is also one of her things. Those and several more that made her a man eater. Haha. In a good way, of course. She's not (quite) a player, she's just adorable and guys love her.
Ayu is the one who's always been a good girl. She's like the main character in sinetrons, the protagonist one. Some friends consider me as family-woman, but trust me, I am nothing compare to her.
Arum, Ebi and I went to the same high school, while the other girls went to different schools. But we managed to keep out communication.
Then came the time when we had to decide which major we would've like to go in college. I was puzzled. My mom is a pediatrician so I had thought about being a doctor. At that time, almost all pf my friends wanted to be a doctor. It seemed cool to be one and able to cure sick people... and proved that you're a smartass. Well, everyone knew how difficult it was to be accepted as medicine student, especially at reputable universities. So it would be soooo freakin' nice to be one of those students.
But biology freaked me out. I thought that there was no way I could remember all those medical terms. Besides, it would take at least 6 years in school of medicine plus 4 years of specialty before I could be a pediatrician. Then when I would get married? Hah, silly reason from a silly impulsive teenager.
Medicine was off the table. I would take engineering instead. It was quite prestigious also.
Which one? I always like to draw so maybe I could be an architect. But I also like chemistry, so perhaps I could take chemical engineering. But industrial engineering also seemed interesting. Ithought, maybe I could have my own company in the future. That would be nice.
While I was puzzled by the alternatives, Arun had already made her decision. She always wanted to be a doctor. It wasn't easy, but like I've said, she's the smartest one.
She did prove that she was a smartass and became one of those chosen students. I was and always be happy for her.
When you know someone wants something really bad for good reasons, and the she/he finally able to realizes it, the happiness will spread. And you will feel it too.
While we were at colleger, we still managed to meet every once a while. Except fot Ayu, well let's say that she's been a bit out of our reach.
Sometimes we talked about our college, how the studies went, the new friends, the lecturers, etc.
My first and second year didn't go very well. I had failed at 2 subjects in my second year and didn't get really good results at other subjects. I though maybe I didn't belong to engineering at all.
I've never admitted this but for some times I felt jealous to Arum. Not because she could manage to get good results at her first and second year subjects, it was more because I could see her passion to what she was studying at.
Every time the girls and I went out together in the weekends, she barely forgot to bring some lecture materials to read. I understood that she always had some tests every week, which made me amaze that she could survive well.
But somehow, watched her studied quite hard was interesting. I learned that things didn't go easily on her too, but she tried to work it out. And it seemed that she was enjoying doing so.
Sometimes I asked her about medical problems I saw on TV or happened in my surroundings, and she could explain it very well. At least for a person who doesn't understand medicine like me, she seemed brilliant.
I recalled that medicine had been her dream since long time ago. She always wanted this. I believe that medicine is tough, but maybe if someone can manage to enjoy what she/he doing, things will be a bit easier. Every rock she/he stumbled upon to becomes a lessons, not a reason to feel down and angry.
It took more than 2 years for me to see how it should be worked through my best friend. I had to stop complaining and just started to work it out. I recalled the reason why I took engineering. Maybe it was for silly reasons, but I had been 'trapped' to that decision then.
Back then, I realized that I always had 2 options: find interest in other field of study, ot work this one out. I chose the second one. That time my choice wasn't based on silly reasons anymore.
Once the decision made, I must stopped play as a victim and took control of my life instead. The mind set made huge difference, because it was more about what I want, not what I thought people want from me. And somehow it worked. I managed to get results that could cover my previous ones.
Several weeks ago I watched Grey's Anatomy for the first time from the first season. It reminded me of this Arum thingy. Part of it because the serial is about surgeons/doctors, but mostly because of their determination of what they do. I am amazed on how those surgeons enjoy their exhausting jobs very much. That part reminded me of Arum.
It also evoked me about a kind of work like I've been dreaming of. Whether in my own company or somebody else's company, I want to have that kind of passion on what I do. So even though if I have to spend long hours on my works, it will still be a nice day to remember.
Feb 7, 2009
Moving On
The news is: I've got my Bachelor Degree. Hooray!
It's been two weeks since.
College is done. It's sad but it's true.
Those 4.5 year were incredible. I met new friends, found new bestest friends, lost some, gave some, learn some.. well, lets say that I had been through quite much.
That's why it's quite hard for me to see that it's over now.
But, Benjamin Franklin said: You may delay, but time will not.
I don't want to delay. My college phase is over. I need to move on.
It won't be that hard. Because I've already done it before. When senior high school was over. When junior high school was over. When kindergarten was over. When I ended a relationship. When I decided to take or let go a position. When I decided to give more attention to my studies.
I've been moving on for my entire life. So this one won't be so hard.
I can start by realizing plans that I've had, step by step.
In the meantime I'll rearrange my room in Jakarta. Then I'll pack my things in Bandung. Because the next chapter will not going to take place in Bandung.
I'm moving on, so wish me all the best. ;)
It's been two weeks since.
College is done. It's sad but it's true.
Those 4.5 year were incredible. I met new friends, found new bestest friends, lost some, gave some, learn some.. well, lets say that I had been through quite much.
That's why it's quite hard for me to see that it's over now.
But, Benjamin Franklin said: You may delay, but time will not.
I don't want to delay. My college phase is over. I need to move on.
It won't be that hard. Because I've already done it before. When senior high school was over. When junior high school was over. When kindergarten was over. When I ended a relationship. When I decided to take or let go a position. When I decided to give more attention to my studies.
I've been moving on for my entire life. So this one won't be so hard.
I can start by realizing plans that I've had, step by step.
In the meantime I'll rearrange my room in Jakarta. Then I'll pack my things in Bandung. Because the next chapter will not going to take place in Bandung.
I'm moving on, so wish me all the best. ;)
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