May 15, 2010


I am now resigning from my job. Effective 28th May 2010, I will quit the job. A week after, I will join the new company.

The decision of my resignation have been made about couple months ago. There were only few people knew about this and there were various opinions. Some said go ahead, some questioned the decision, some said I should've wait a little longer.
The last opinion basically advices me to gain more experience first before I go to another job, to another company. Spend at least a year or two before I move out so that when I back to the job market, I will have experience/value to offer.

Well well, the problem is, I don't have a year or two. I mean, I don't have time to stick around to a job which I don't really enjoy. It's not that doing the job is excrutiating, because in fact I know I can live with it. I will be okay doing the job.
But 'okay' doesn't seem enough for me. 'Okay' is not good enough.
I don't have time to feel just 'okay' about my job.

I have my time limit for being an employee. That is why I want to enjoy every moment I pass doing the job. If I don't have time limit, I might accept the just 'okay' situation. Somehow, I am grateful for having limited time.
It reminds me of a quote by Randy Pausch which I tweeted via readingwalk several days ago. He said:
The key question to keep asking is, Are u spending your time on the right things? Because time is all you have.

I used to thought like I had unlimited time (or I refused to admit that time has limit), like I would be in my twenties forever. That is why, sometimes, I hate birthday, getting older, because it reminds me that time is not unlimited. Well, you know what, time is limited. At least our time is limited. 40 years from now, I might have died. During the next 40 years I have many agendas to do. If I think the way I used to be, someday I will wake up in the morning 10 years from now, and still haven't accomplish anything significant. God forbids!

Like Randy said, time is all we have. In life, there is a finish line.
As in working as employee, I also have my finish line. So, really, I don't have time for 'okay'.


  1. Proud of you. Always been, always will :)

  2. "The key question to keep asking is, Are u spending your time on the right things? Because time is all you have."

    quotenya sadiss min.

    pindah kmn kamu anw?

  3. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.

    Bukan saya sih yang bikin tulisan, numpang co-pas aja hehehe. So, Keep Looking Yasmin :D

  4. YASMIN! Kok gue gak tahu elo pindah kerjaaaa. Heeh. Kayaknya chain emails kita mesti diberdayakan lagi.

    Anyway, good luck yaaa. Sama kayak nadya, always proud of you!

  5. @nadya: :D

    @dinov: ke Tenaris Di. hehe. goodbye sunter deh...

    @mbak erma: Steve Jobs ya? hahaa, favoritenya Nadya juga bagian itu. Aku juga sukaaaa

    @bat: iya nihhhh... Mayang udah punya BB kok malah jadi macet sih email2nya...


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