Nov 22, 2007


Saya menerima sebuah email dari salah seorang Om saya. Isinya adalah sebuah forwarded email dengan judul mencolok RACISM.
Penasaran, saya buka dan baca email tersebut:

You must pass this on .
I am sure many of you watched the recent taping of the Oprah Winfrey show in Chicago where her guest was Tommy Hilfiger.
On the show, she asked him if the statements about race he was accused of saying were true Statements like "if I'd known African-Americans, Hispanics, Jewish and Asians would buy my clothes, I WOULD NOT have made them so nice.
I wish these people would *NOT* buy my clothes, as they (my clothes) are made for upper-class white people." His answer to Oprah was a simple "YES" where after she immediately asked him to leave her show.
Suggestion? Don't buy your next shirt or perfume from Tommy Hilfiger. Let's give him what he asked for.
Let's not buy his clothes, let's put him in a financial state where he himself will not be able to afford the ridiculous prices he puts on his clothes. If we are small, then send it to the whole community that's not white people and see the result. We! have to see the result of unity.
Let's find out if Asian, Jews and Non-white really plays such a small part in the world. Stop buying all range of Hilfiger products, perfume, cosmetics, Clothes, bags, etc.
IF you are against racism, please send this message to all your friends; please do not delete it without sending it to at least one person.
Lantaran tak ada kerjaan, saya pun googling "oprah hilfiger", yang pada akhirnya menghantar saya ke situs resmi Oprah Winfrey ( dimana disitu dikatakan dengan jelas bahwa email yang beredar luas menyatakan Hilfiger pernah datang ke Oprah Show dan mengatakan hal-hal di atas adalah Big Fat Liar.
Itu semua tidak benar.
Beginilah sebuah gosip dimulai. Hanya karena sebuah email tak bernama, berita bohong jadi terasa nyata. Padahal, hanya dalam waktu kurang dari 5 menit, Anda bisa mendapatkan fakta sebenarnya tentang berita Hilfiger ini. Tapi entah mengapa, puluhan ribu orang memilih untuk langsung mem forward nya.
Moral of the story:
Percayalah pada gosip, hanya bila itu Anda dengar dari orang pertama.


  1. jadi min, gosip oknum yang saling belai2an itu, udah dari orang keberapa ya.


  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    daku bahkan tak tahu siapa TOmmy hilfiger itu? hahaha,,

  3. Anonymous9:51 PM

    klo gosip lo sama oknum sebut saja dia xxx (bukan nama sebenarnya) itu bener g??

  4. Tommy Hilfiger? Siapanya Tommy Soeharto?

  5. bat: haha. that's why i told people not to believe second-hand-gossip, even if it came from ME.

    ray : hilfiger... ada hubungannya dengan hitler mungkin??

    anonymous : kalo lo ga dapet gosip itu langsung dari gue, tingkat kepercayaannya udah turun 50 % tuuh..

    ikram : kakak kandung nya yang sudah lama hilang?

  6. Anonymous8:14 PM

    wah turun 50% yah?
    tapi gmn dong symptom di lapangan berbicara lain soalnya min?

  7. Anonymous7:17 PM

    xoxo, gossip sirl here :)

  8. hahaha.. lapangan manaa??
    sejak kapan di itb ada lapangan? (eh ada deh... lapangan cc, lapangan lfm..)

  9. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Oh gituu.. aku padahal udah gosip2 ke mana2 kalo si tomi (sok akrab) begitu.. thx udah kasi info yg sebenernya ya booo.. :D


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