May 12, 2009


Grey's Anatomy, final episode of season 3.

I'm up there waiting for you to come down the aisle. And I know you don't want to come. I know you don't want to come, but that you'll come anyway because you love me.

And if I loved you.. If, I loved you... not the woman that I'm trying to make you be, not the woman that I hope you'll become... but you. If I did, I wouldn't be up there waiting for you. I would be letting you go.

As I've mentioned in previous post, I love this series. If you're not watching this series here's little information about the scene above. Burke and Christina were about to get married. Burke was an old fashioned type while Christina wasn't. She did not really believe in marriage, let alone to have a big wedding. But then, she agreed to get married because, I think, she loved Burke and she wanted to be the women he wanted.

Was she wrong? What about 'love is sacrifice'? Isn't that the point?
But then, I also think that Burke got a point. If you love someone, why should you wish him/her become someone else? Shouldn't he/she enough the way they are?
It's puzzling, you know..
It really is.


  1. emang, emang puzzling. Makanya jangan "tertipu" hal-hal seperti itu. Think out-of-the-box aja <== ngomong ke diri sendiri

  2. Anonymous11:00 PM

    ouch. since i must not wish her become someone else, i should choose the right one ==>> the someone else i wish. am i right?

  3. mau tau final episode season 5 ga? im watching it right now, izzie ma**, george keta****


    kabur ah

  4. wuiiiiiiiiiii, mau dong Miiiiiiiin, yang lengkap kap kap kap kap.
    seriesnya tapi, bukan ceritanya..

    btw, IDIH, Aldud nyebelin bgt!!!

  5. @sigit: ha? think out of the box gimana git?

    @raie: hoho, that is reaaaaally puzzling. hahahaha.

    @aldud: izzie malu? george ketaiwan?

    @nadya: jjjjjjiiiiieeeeeeee....

  6. think out of the box alias jangan nonton film2 seperti itu hwahaha

  7. min, I love this series for the fact that I dreamed to be a doctor as a kid. And started to live every scene of it just by working at a Hospital.
    And I think, it is confusing. But they're both right. We can't blame a person for loving us, neither can we blame the person we love to leave us. Isn't that right?

  8. aaahhhhhh spoilerrrrr! termasuk komentar2nya jugaaa!!

    *btw pinjem DVDnya dong min :D*

  9. Hahaha...
    Sorry, gw tuh ya Queen of Spoiler jadi yaaa...
    Loe mau spoiler apa? Buku? Film? TV Series? Tanya gw deh faseh bgt...
    Ntar gw mau nonton Oddisey 2009 kok udah janji ama Junior gw yg anaknya ketua IAITB Riau gitu...

    jadi ingetin gw aja yu buuu! :D

  10. @sigit: waaa.. bangus tau git series ini. hehehehe.

    @zaza: aa.. iya sih bener. kalo being someone else to please ur lover, bener ga? hehe.

    @upi: ya ampyuuun upikoo, ini kan season 3, sementara sekarang udah season 5. makanya ketemu dong pi, ntar gue bawain. hehehhe.

  11. AAAH. Gue nyesel baca komen posting ini! Aldudddd aaaaaah, nyebeliiiin. Izzie mati, George ketabrak ya?

    *makin diperjelas


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