Last Saturday, as usual, I spent the day with bf. After had (very late) lunch at Pizza e Birra and shopped some groceries at Menteng Huis, we went to Glodok Elektronik (GE) in Sarinah because he wanted to buy some lamp.
I had never been to this place before but bf mentioned this place several times and he told me that he could find almost everything there. As I walked into the place, I knew what he meant. I found televisions, stereos, digital frames, kid's toys, kid's school bags, mosquito rackets, cute paper bags, etc. And at the back of the store I even found a popcorn machine.
But this is not the "wow" thing.
As I starred at the machine, bf casually said, "you can have the popcorn if you want. It's for free". I cracked a smile. Bf is a funny man and he likes to make jokes. "Seriously", he added. Oh, he insisted, which made me chuckle.
But apparently this time he was no joking.
Read this.
I can felt my jaw dropped.
And not just the popcorn, the store also provide free pastries and sausages, and some drinks. Lime, lemon tea, they even have a Nestle machine (what is the name for this thing, actually??)!!
And not just the popcorn, the store also provide free pastries and sausages, and some drinks. Lime, lemon tea, they even have a Nestle machine (what is the name for this thing, actually??)!!
Is it really working?, I was wondering when I looked at the Nestle machine. Maybe this is only for display, who knows?
So I took one plastic cup, put it in the machine and pushed "Milo". And it worked!!
I got my hot Milo for free!!
The only thing you should remember is that you may not take more than one plastic cup. I think it doesn't matter if you reuse your cup for different drinks.As these were not fascinating enough, bf put a cherry on top, "sometimes they even put some things in the corner for the customers to bring home, for free".
Seriously, who the hell gives away things for free in Jakarta??
It's a "wow", right?